Käyttäjät kertovat

Susanna Aromaa, Vantaa
”Olin kärsinyt vuosia epämääräisistä vatsavaivoista. GastroPanelin avulla löytyi syy: H.pylori on häädetty ja nyt voin hyvin. ”

Aila Kotro, eläkeläinen, Helsinki
”Minulla on ollut vuosia epämääräisiä vatsavaivoja. Siksi hakeuduin GastroPanel-testiin. Testissä selvisi, että mahalaukkuni limakalvo on terve eikä minulla todettu hapotonta mahaa tai helikobakteeri-infektiota. Nyt on hyvä mieli terveen mahan johdosta, jota ei tarvinnut turhaan tähystää.”

Orlov Ruslan, patient 
“My whole family took the GastroPanel test. It turned out that me and my wife were infected by Helicobacter pylori and needed eradication therapy. Our 12 and 16 year-old sons were healthy. I think that this analysis can be used as a way to learn more about your stomach. Timely detection of the disease has allowed my family to preserve the health of my children and protect them from H.pylori infection.” 

Dr. S. Mortlock, United Kingdom
”Many people consult their GP for dyspepsia which is often associated with pain or burning and discomfort in the abdomen and ranges from heartburn and acid regurgitation to nausea and vomiting. Previously, identification was by gastroscopy and the microscopic examination of endoscopic biopsy from the gastric antrum and corpus. More recently, the use of a less invasive option, GastroPanel, has become more popular. This 4-biomarker assay has helped to reduce unnecessary invasive procedures, prevent discomfort for the patient, and decrease healthcare costs.”

Antonina Rossolovich, gastroenterologist at "Northwest Center of Evidence-Based Medicine", Saint Petersburg, Russia 
“We have used GastroPanel since 2002.  We are convinced that diagnosing of secretory function of the gastric mucosa is the best method today. GastroPanel allows even before treatment to determine the acid output of the stomach and individual tailoring of PPI treatment for each patient. GastroPanel is the only reliable method of laboratory diagnosis to reveal the degree of atrophy of the gastric mucosa and to determine the appropriate treatment strategy (oncological prevention, anemia). GastroPanel evaluates the severity of the inflammatory process in H.pylori infection.” 

Dmitri Gerasimov, gastroenterologist at the Clinic "." XXI Century ", Saint Petersburg, Russia 
“GastroPanel test is very useful for gastroenterologists, as it allows to identify patients who are 'at risk' of cancer of the stomach, without resorting to endoscopic techniques. I would recommend this test for screening of the patients with a family history of stomach diseases, as well as for follow-up of  patients after treatment.” 

Rainar Aamisepp, Quattromed HTI Laborid OÜ, Estonia 
“Quattromed HTI launched GastroPanel testing in early spring 2013. It immediately drew the attention of GPs and even more, today we are discussing with leading gastroenterologists in Estonia establishing guidelines in GastroPanel test utilisation in detection of atrophic gastritis. It clearly serves as a promising opportunity for better patient management.”

Baryshnikova N., Associate Professor, MD, St.Petersburg, Russia 
“GastroPanel has proved to be a reliable method for non-invasive diagnosis and early detection of gastric atrophy in both children and adults.”

George Pobelyansky, General Director company "Vertex" 
“A year ago our employees participated in  in the GastroPanel screening of gastric disorders, focusing on all employees over 45 years of age. The screening revealed the workers who needed additional doctor's advice. I believe that the introduction of such screening in the annual program of routine inspections is a good example of social responsibility of the employer.”
